Top Tips

Looking stylish in a pinch:

1. Know Your Wardrobe! Have a few go to outfits or individual items that will dress you up in a pinch.
2. Buy a Hat or Two, for those bad hair days
3. Keep your eyebrows and nails groomed!
4. Navy blue eyeliner & Black mascara together, will make your eyes pop with out much trying. Just smudge the liner in your lash line, swipe your lashes and voila!
5. Find a lip color that works, buy a few and keep them handy!
6. A Pendant Necklace, Forever 21 is a goldmine for cheap, cute, statement worthy pieces to have on hand.
7. SHOES!!! Need I say any more?!?!
8. Smile! It will instantly elevate any outfit your wearing or mood your in, smiling makes us attractive!

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