Friday, June 27, 2014

Procrastination is a style!

I realised that as much as I want to write this blog, I also wish it, could get done without the actual writing part! I'm not a practiced writer, and coming up with witty, be your self musings, in written form, isn't easy!
When Carole Radzwill from the Real Housewives of NY, who I think has a great chic quirkiness to her, was talking about her writing style, she called it lyrical. I'd like to think I write the same way, I just need someone to light a fire under my ass to get it done.
I do have a draft of a post titled "seasoning your style" about going from cold weather to warm, with your make-up, clothes, home and blah blah blah. But I started writing that back in the beginning of April and it was taking me so long to write it that I gave up. I was getting board and not feeling it!
Perhaps my lackluster willingness to share for the last few months has more to do with attitude and less to do with content. I haven't been thrilled with the way life has been treating me lately, but since I truly believe things happen for a reason, I'm not gonna let it drag me down and you know what "they" say about big girl panties.
Anyhoo, I've been home a lot keeping up on the latest trends etc and decided that I have a bone to pick with normcore!
What is normcore? According to Simon Doonan Simon Doonan(fashion expert and Barneys NY creative go to guy) "Its gray sweatpants pretending to be trousers. Its safe, its an idea, that in an era that embraces the distinct, bespoke and quirky, normcore is the final fashion frontier of dressing like an anonymous nobody."

Seriously, this is an actual style? I think my procrastination in writing is more stylish than this!

Perhaps the invention of the crotch drop or "poopy pants" as Micheal Kors likes to call them, ushered in this trend, who knows, either way its just not something worth being proud of. This is the way I dress to go to Target or a doctors appt, etc. I like to call it incognito.

To combat this blasphemous trend I would like to share 8 of my "Top Tips" to looking stylish and chic, for a last minute event, even thought you've spent the day normcoring it running errands or procrastinating.

1. Know Your Wardrobe! Have a few go to outfits or individual items that will dress you up in a pinch.

2. Buy a Hat or Two, for those bad hair days

3. Keep your eyebrows and nails groomed!

4. Navy blue eyeliner & Black mascara together, will make your eyes pop with out much trying. Just smudge the liner in your lash line, swipe your lashes and voila!

5. Find a lip color that works, buy a few and keep them handy!

6. A Pendant Necklace, Forever 21 is a goldmine for cheap, cute, statement worthy pieces to have on hand.

7. SHOES!!! Need I say any more?!?!

 I got a little carried away! I just love shoes!

8. Smile! It will instantly elevate any outfit your wearing or mood your in, smiling makes us attractive!

Lets band together to keep things looking good! Procrastination may not be a great reason for why you may or may not have gotten something accomplished but its better that intentionally looking like nothing. I know when it comes meeting, greeting and socializing, your appearance always makes a first impression. Make it a great one and if all else fails, Smile!

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