Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Hair, My Way!

I got my hair fixed! YEAH! I don't have short hair and I haven't gone grey yet so I can go a while till my hair starts to look dull and like I gave up. I'm a natural blonde, which isn't good or bad, thought it does help when you need to get away with being kinda dumb (que the Cheshire Cat grin :)

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I never really needed to dye my hair till I turned 30 after I had my 3rd daughter. I should probably share that I have 3 daughters, twins and a singleton who I absolutely adore. My twins Emily and Sarah will be 24 in May and Nina will be 22 in June.
Anyways, since the dying started I've been all shades of blonde, light, dark, skunked, solid, partially pinked and I even went brown for about a 3 weeks till my husband got all huffy and demanded I be the blonde he married.

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I think the invention of hair dye is one of the greatest and as the years go by the dyes get better and better. My current fave (up above) is alternating foils with 2 colors & my natural color and then my stylist covers the rest up with dark butterscotch blonde for some fabulous "low lights". Please don't think I do this on my own as I would totally screw-it up! I have always subscribed to the "don't do this at home" mentality when it comes to things that I don't know much about, though I will say the dumb blonde occasionally comes out, lol!
But never with my real hair, that's what wigs are for!

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